Grant Application

Grant Application Forms

Please use the buttons below to complete a grant application or complete a funds access form.
Please be sure to read the info below regarding important info for educators as it pertains to the grants.

DCEF Grant Application

DCEF Grant-Accessing Grant Funds

Applying for a Grant

Important Info for Educators

Grant Criteria:

Grant ideas must reflect the goals of the DCEF and the following are part of the grant evaluation criteria:

  • Encourage and support innovative projects in teaching and learning that are consistent with district goals and that go beyond the scope of the regular school budget;
  • Provide students with learning experiences that encourage creative thought processes and problem solving skills;
  • Encourage leadership and creativity in teachers, administrators and students;
  • Support programs that impact a significant number of students;
  • Encourages cross-school, cross-grade, and cross cultural collaboration;
  • Encourages collaboration among teachers, administrators, parents, and community to benefit the Dudley-Charlton public schools;
  • Support programs that provide future opportunities for students.

DCEF grants are not intended to replace or relieve existing responsibility for public funding, nor are they intended to substitute for normal budget growth and maintenance. All grant applications must have the signature of the building principal, attesting that there is no alternate funding source for the proposed grant.

DCEF evaluation for grant proposals will also review:

  • Is this project creative, innovative and reflective of current educational research?
  • Does the project complement the curriculum goals of the Dudley-Charlton Public Schools
  • Are the goals, outcomes, and activities of the project clearly stated with adequate detail?
  • Will the project provide a measurable and positive impact to students?
  • Is the project suitable for replication in the school system?
  • Are the budget items reasonable and explained in adequate detail?
  • Does the dissemination method and/or evaluation mechanism adequately assess the success of the project?
  • Is the depth of the proposal sound and have potential for impact?

Grant Review Process

The DCEF Grants Review Committee consists of DCEF Board of Directors members. The Review Committee will closely review each application according to the criteria stated above. After an extensive review of all applications, the Review Committee will present its recommendation to the DCEF Board of Directors, who will vote to award the grants.

Duration of Funding

Once a grant has been awarded, the DCEF will provide no additional funds for that project. Grant recipients must spend DCEF funds by the end of the school year unless otherwise stipulated in the grant application.

Change in scope of project expenditure of grant funds

Successful grant recipients must seek approval from the DCEF for any changes in the implementation or scope of the project. Any and all unused funds must be returned to the DCEF by the earlier date of 30 days from close of project or June 1.

Grant publicity

Successful grant recipients are expected to assist the DCEF in publicizing their projects to parents, teachers and the community. Grant recipients will encourage replication of the project by sharing outcomes with peers and by presenting at the DCEF Annual Event.

When issuing statements and/or press releases describing the project, and when presenting the results of the grant in any public forum, grant recipients are required to include the following information: “This project is made possible (in whole or in part) by a grant from the Dudley-Charlton Education Foundation Inc.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 

Below, please find a list of frequently asked questions regarding the grants for educators. For additional questions, please email:

Are DCEF grants intended to replace existing public funding?

DCEF grants are not intended to replace or relieve the responsibility for public funding, nor are they intended to substitute for normal budget growth and maintenance.

Who is eligible to apply for funds?

Any staff member of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District or individual partnering with district educators may apply. Staff members may apply as an individual or as a group.

What types of proposals will the DCEF consider funding?

The DCEF encourages applicants to propose projects that have the potential for broad, long-term impact or replication.  Proposals that integrate plans for a range of differentiated learning experiences and/or interdisciplinary collaboration are highly encouraged.

What Can Be Funded?

    • Equipment, supplies, and materials necessary for implementation. All equipment purchased with DCEF grant funds becomes the property of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District.
    • Services and fees
    • Training, if required, for implementation of the project
    • Teacher Stipends (The DCEF, at its discretion, may fund stipends at a flat fee and in a nominal amount.)

    What Cannot Be Funded?

      • Scholarships
      • Sales Tax (the DECF will provide you with a tax-exempt I.D. number in order to purchase materials)

      Who must approve my application?

        The principal of the school where the proposed project will be implemented must approve each grant application. The Superintendent of Schools also must approve the application. If funds are requested for computer hardware and/or software, the school district’s Director of Technology must approve the application.

          Who will evaluate my application?

            The DCEF Grant Subcommittee will evaluate each proposal using a rubric that reflects established criteria. The DCEF Board of Directors authorizes grant funding after reviewing the recommendations of the subcommittee.

              How will my application be evaluated?

                The DCEF Grant Subcommittee will evaluate grant proposals by asking the following questions:

                • Is this project creative and innovative and does it reflect current educational research?
                • Does the project complement the curriculum goals of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District?
                • Does the project state clearly, and with adequate detail, its goals, results, and activities?
                • Will the project’s impact on students be positive and quantifiable?
                • Is the project suitable for replication within the school district?
                • Are the budget items reasonable and explained in adequate detail?
                • Does the dissemination method and/or evaluation mechanism adequately assess the success of the project?
                • Is the project substantive and does it offer significant and profound results?

                  Where can I obtain a grant application?

                    The current version of the DCEF grant application can be completed by clicking the Application button below. The application can be completed online.

                    How do I submit my proposal?

                      Prior to the deadline, complete the online application form below. (Note – your school principal must sign off on your application)

                      What is the deadline for applying for a grant?

                        Applications must be received by the end of business April 5, 2024. In fairness to all, this deadline will be enforced.

                        When will I be notified if my proposal has been accepted/rejected?

                          All grant applicants will be notified by May 1, 2024.

                          Who owns the equipment purchased with grant funds?

                            All materials purchased with funds provided by the DCEF will become the property of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District, unless otherwise stipulated by the DCEF.

                            How do I accept a grant?

                              A letter with the Terms of Grant will be mailed to you. This document outlines your responsibilities to the DCEF upon acceptance of the grant award. The Terms of Grant identifies your grant liaison, who will serve as your DCEF contact. The letter must be signed and returned within thirty (30) days of receipt to DCEF, Inc., P.O. Box 92, Dudley, MA 01571, or, you may deliver the letter to the DCEF mailbox in the district’s central office.

                              With whom will I communicate about my grant project?

                                Each grant recipient is assigned a member of the DCEF board of directors as a grant liaison.  The liaison’s email address and telephone number will be provided with the grant award letter.  The liaison will be ready to assist you with implementation and/or funding questions related to your grant.

                                What is the deadline for using grant funds?

                                  Awarded funds must be used by the end of the school year unless otherwise stipulated in the grant application.

                                  How do I access grant funds? 

                                    For large purchases, a standard DCRSD Purchase Order form should be completed, indicating DCEF Revolving Account in the Account Number area. It is preferable to use vendors with an established relationship with the school district in order to benefit from any previously negotiated price discounts and to avoid the assessment of sales tax.  The DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Form may be downloaded from the DCEF web site:  Completed DCRSD Purchase Order forms and DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Forms should be sent to the DCRSD Central Office.  It is important to notify your DCEF liaison when the request has been sent. 

                                    Checks for programs or individuals that require payment on the day of the event/visit and contract deposits must be requested at least two weeks prior to that date by completing a standard DCRSD Purchase Order form, indicating DCEF Revolving Account in the Account Number area. The DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Form may be downloaded from the DCEF web site:  Completed DCRSD Purchase Order forms and DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Forms should be mailed to the DCRSD Central Office.  It is important to notify your DCEF liaison when the request has been sent.

                                    Grant recipients should pay for fees and for incidental, small items and then request reimbursement directly from the DCEF.   The completed DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Form, with receipts attached, should be submitted as instructed on the form. 

                                     Please notify your grant liaison when the form has been submitted, and indicate the date by which you need a check.  Failure to follow these procedures may result in a delay in check issuance and delivery.

                                     Please remember that your grant liaison is assigned to help you throughout your project and to assist in making your project a success.  Please do not hesitate to contact your liaison at any time with questions or for assistance.  Your liaison will help to make the funding process proceed smoothly.

                                    How much advance notice is required to obtain grant funds?

                                      Check requests can take up to two weeks to fulfill. Please plan accordingly.

                                      Will the DCEF pay for expenses in advance?

                                        The DCEF does not generally pay in advance for expenses.  Under certain circumstances, a cash advance will be considered.  Please consult your grant liaison.  If you anticipate the need for large cash purchases, please submit a DCEF Accessing Grant Funds Form.  Please include a statement explaining the reason for the cash advance and the estimated cash needed.  Fulfillment of a cash advance request will take up to two weeks.  Please plan accordingly.  

                                        What if there is a change in the location, timeframe, or cost of the grant, or if there is a change in how the funds are to be used?  

                                          Changes in people, program content, or timeframe of the grant must be brought to the attention of the DCEF Grant Subcommittee for review and approval.  Your grant liaison must be notified with details as soon as possible.  Once a grant has been awarded, the DCEF will not provide additional funds for that project.

                                          What is expected of grant applicants after being awarded a grant?

                                            Successful grant recipients are expected to assist the DCEF in publicizing their projects to parents, teachers, and the community. The DCEF welcomes photographs of project preparation and execution for posting in promotional materials and social media.  Grant recipients should encourage replication of the project by sharing results with peers and may be requested to make a presentation at a DCEF annual event.

                                            When issuing statements and/or press releases describing the project, and when presenting the results of the grant in any public forum, grant recipients must include the following statement: “This project is made possible (in whole or in part) by a grant from the Dudley-Charlton Education Foundation, Inc.”

                                            Recipients must provide a status report to their grant liaison outlining the progress of their project.  Due dates of status reports are included in the Terms of Grant.

                                            Recipients must submit a written final evaluation, and include the Grant/Project Financial Recap form, including receipts, by the earlier date of thirty (30) days from the close of the project or June 1.

                                            What becomes of my grant if I am unable to finish the work for any reason?

                                              This must be decided on a case-by-case basis. 

                                              May I resubmit grant proposals?

                                                Yes, if the proposal was not granted in a previous grant cycle, the proposal may be submitted again, provided it complies with the guidelines and learning objectives. Grants approved in previous cycles may be considered for continued funding in subsequent grant cycles.

                                                What if I have additional questions?

                                                  For additional questions, please email:

                                                  Grant Application Forms

                                                  Please use the buttons below to complete  grant application or complete a funds access form.
                                                  Please be sure to read the info below regarding important info for educators as it pertains to the grants.

                                                  DCEF Grant Application

                                                  DCEF Grant-Accessing Grant Funds

                                                  Grants Awarded

                                                  It is through the generous support of all our donors who make these grant cycles possible, and the dedicated educators who bring their programs to life, and enrich the lives of the children.